Rick Santorum gave an excellent answer when talking about faith and the constitution so I thought i would just share it here.
Rick Santorum – God Given Rights
by Jeff | Feb 1, 2012 | Politics | 2 comments
Rick Santorum gave an excellent answer when talking about faith and the constitution so I thought i would just share it here.
Q: What’s five miles long and has an IQ of forty? A: A Democrat parade.
Jason, of the half that pay taxes, a much smaller peregntace will actually vote again for anybody. The newness and the shine has worn off Obama, even if the Samuel Jackson`s ( I voted for him because he was black ) repeat that action there will be considerably less turnout , he simply has not given the inner city base the free cars,cash, etc. over and above what they already get. His radical base is publicly dissing him, his large donors are publicly saying not this time’ I think he loses to anyone running. The bigger problem is, do the American people lose if Romney, Santorum, Paul, and in some respects, Gingrich win? Yup! If we don`t completely flush out Congress, it will be same old, same old.