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Dear Mitt,

I must say, I was a bit worried when I saw your initial reaction to other Republicans’ attacks on your wealth. Although I understand that you prefer to be low-key about how much money you have, you must not allow them to make you look like you feel guilty about your success. I was happy to see that you have finally started embracing your achievements, however, I think you need to take it one step further. As you well know, Obama and his minions are going to continue attacking successful people, classifying them as part of the 1% (as if being successful is some horrid act), and there is no doubt that this will be their plan of attack against you.

Rather than trying to defend your wealth, I think you need to go on the offensive and use your wealth and success to your advantage. If I were you, I would immediately come out and tell the public that as President, you will turn down any and all compensation from the government. You will turn down the salary, the health care, and any other direct compensation/benefits given to Washington politicians. You have worked hard to achieve success in your life and because of the opportunities that this great country provides to everyone, you are where you are today and you don’t need the extra income.

Let the people know that your goal as President is NOT to take anything from tax payers, but rather to truly serve the people and to defend the fundamental values of America that gave you the opportunities to be as successful as you are. Let them know that your goal is to protect the God-given right for everyone to have that same OPPORTUNITY for success and that they should have the right to be as successful as THEY want to be, not as successful as the Obama government will allow them to be.

Your wealth puts you in a unique situation to actually give to the American people rather than take from them. By doing this, you will show the tax payers that you are truly different than all other candidates. Conservatives, Independents and even most Democrats will appreciate a leader who is not in Washington to further their own personal interest but that is actually there to serve. And it will show many Democrats that being in the 1% is a good thing and is something that everyone should strive to do.

Be passionate about your success and the people will get behind you. Nobody doubts your skills as a leader, but you need to move from people’s heads down to their hearts. And I think this move may just be the defibrillator that gets people’s hearts finally jumping when they think about Mitt Romney as President.

Warm Regards,

Jeff Hintze